After a year of Russian presidency that has almost overshadowed the initiatives and theBRICS enlargement, which now represent over 40% of the world population and 37% of global GDP (more than the G7), in 2025 the rotating presidency of the group of former emerging countries will go to Brazil, the country that more than any other represents the point of contact between the West (it is an ally of the USA and Europe and hosted the last G20 in November) and the alternative axis that gravitates around three powers such as China, Russia e India. The BRICS, founded in 2009, initially consisted of the aforementioned countries and the South Africa, have already fully integrated since last year Iran, Saudi Arabia (even though he practically skipped the last summit in Kazan, last October), Egypt, UAE e Ethiopia, and in 2025 they should welcome "others" into their family as well Cuba, Bolivia, Indonesia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Thailand, Uganda e Uzbekistan. And if there hadn't been the veto own of Lula's Brazil, would be Venezuela also entered of Nicolas Maduro, who has long been in the crosshairs of Washington and Brussels.
Today, the BRICS, more than emerging economies, represent the new world order, and Brazil's challenge will be to promote its strengthening without weakening the Euro-Atlantic axis, of which the South American country is an ally. The BRICS currently, without considering upcoming aggregations, represent 26% of global trade, 44% of oil reserves, 53% of natural gas reserves, 72% of "rare earth" reserves, and the largest reserves of fresh water on the planet.
Read EVEN The BRICS are expanding
The New Currency: BRICS as a Tool to Dodge Sanctions
Their union therefore constitutes a solid and credible economic and strategic block, even if politically heterogeneous and not always oriented towards democracy and respect for the new international environmental paradigms: the 10 member countries, in fact, are responsible for 70% of the entire planet's coal production. The main challenge of this phase is the creation of a new currency, the BRICS, announced by the president Vladimir Putin in October and which would become the reference currency of the participating economies for transactions carried out between them, in order to free themselves from the dollar dependence. In reality, BRICS does not aim to destroy the dollar but only to create a parallel financial system, capable above all of protect yourself from international sanctions and in fact neutralize them. This is what the Brazilian economist claims Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr., former director of the International Monetary Fund who in a recent interview with the website Poder360 said he had the opportunity to speak directly with Putin, who said: "We are not against the dollar. It is the dollar that is against us. Challenging the dollar and the US economy would not be possible and in any case it is not our objective. The BRICS will serve to make us immune to sanctions". In the meantime, however, the presidency of the United States is about to be assumed by Donald Trump, who has already threatened retaliation: if the BRICS really abandon the dollar, their products will be taxed up to 100%Experts say this is not technically possible given the size of the BRICS bloc, but skirmishes will not be lacking.
Brics Currency 2025: Exchange Rate Expected at $34
At the moment it is not clear when BRICS will actually debut, which in any case will not replace the currencies of individual countries but will be used mainly as financial currency, For exchanges among the various member states. After the preview presented by Putin in Kazan, (unofficial) versions of the new banknotes are already circulating online, while the exchange rate should be around 34 dollars for 1 Brics, or just under 33 euros for 1 Brics. Almost half of the planet, “the other half” one might say from a European point of view, is seriously organizing itself. And it should not be underestimated militarily either, given that it can count on at least four nuclear powers: Russia, China, India e Iran.