
Assolombarda launches the CirculAR HR project. Objective: embrace the ecological and digital transition

With the new project, the business association aims to increase employee involvement and their job satisfaction. Stefano Passerini, director of Assolombarda's Work, Welfare and Human Capital sector, talks about it.

Assolombarda launches the CirculAR HR project. Objective: embrace the ecological and digital transition

Assolombarda, the association of companies operating in the provinces of Milan, Lodi, Monza, Brianza and Pavia, has created, in recent weeks, a new big project on the subject of attraction retention of the human resources dedicated to the human resources realities of its territory: it is "CirculAR HR”. An initiative that intends to help companies to question themselves about the "contemporary" needs of their human capital, and then encourage them, increasingly, to promote new ongoing training courses, services to improve well-being at work, innovative actions for develop talents. The goal is to increase the employee involvement and their job satisfaction.
We talked about it with Stephen Passerini, director of the Work, Welfare and Human Capital sector of Assolombarda.

What is the origin of this project?

In recent years the sustainability it has increasingly become a strategic asset of companies, significantly impacting their production. He urged companies to identify new business strategies to reconcile economic, social and environmental growth. But not only that: in the same way, he encouraged them to carry out activities aimed at enhance employees.

In what way?

The companies, in various capacities, have invested for promote new skills Necessary for grasp the opportunities offered by this great era of change, to embrace the ecological and digital transition. But not only that: they have also implemented new strategies of various kinds to enhance, for example, i talents. Now, on this front too, the time has come to create a system to pool the best experiences for the benefit of the entire production fabric.

How was the project born and how is it structured?

“CirculAR HR” was born, first of all, in collaboration with Jakala and Logotel. The entire initiative consists of two phases: the sharing, by the participating companies, of their know-how on the culture of "people management" and the implementation of operational tools suitable in a circular way to help all companies, including smaller ones to prepare their future. Through a process of cross contamination meetings, we want to stimulate SMEs in particular to implement strategies for attracting and retaining their collaborators.

A commitment that Assolombarda has also outlined in its "Sustainability Manifesto".

Exactly: in this document, which contains the Association's commitment on the topic, we have indicated the need for a safe and inclusive working environment, the balance between personal and work life, support for diversity, professional and personal development are the "keystones" of corporate success. We want to recover and put at the center important values ​​for both companies and their collaborators who have always, together, guaranteed the development and well-being of our territories.
