Starting this year, the pre-compiled 730 is enriched with new data, including those on health care costs in 2015 and the related reimbursements. Thanks to the intervention of the Privacy Guarantor, however, it is possible to request that this information not be included in the tax return. But now we need to hurry: the deadline by which you must communicate your opposition is 9 March.
Every citizen who has completed 16 years of age (otherwise, the guardian or legal representative) can decide not to make their data relating to health expenses available to the Revenue Agency. Consequently, if you were dependent on a family member, the latter would not see the information in the pre-compiled 730.
Let's get to the practice. There are two possible ways to oppose it:
1) consult the list of health expenses and select the individual items for which to express your opposition from the authenticated area of the website of the Health Card System, through the TS-CNS health card or using the Fisconline credentials issued by the Revenue Agency;
2) communicate the opposition directly to the tax authorities using this form (Pdf), which – together with a copy of an identity document – can be delivered to any territorial office of the Revenue Agency. Alternatively, you can call a multi-channel assistance center (848.800.444 from a landline, 0696668907 from a mobile phone, +39 0696668933 from abroad) or send an e-mail to
If you use the telephone or e-mail, you can communicate your opposition even without using the form, but you must still provide all the data requested in the form itself. Also in these cases it is necessary to indicate an identity document with a lot of number and expiry date.
second thoughts
Finally, it is good to bear in mind that there will also be room for second thoughts: the expenses for which the opposition has been exercised, in fact, can be included in the subsequent phase of modification or integration of the pre-compiled 730.