Antonia Klugman's recipe: fir and blackberry sorbet

An original recipe that smells like Christmas, the one proposed by starred chef Antonia Klugman. A Christmas in the woods with the scents of the area, from fir to truffles to blackberries and blueberries, interpreted with great creativity and delicacy as it is in its…
Trenitalia, winter timetable: here are all the news

More connections, goodbye to plastic, ticketless technology and new Silence Area: these are some of the innovations presented by Trenitalia for 2020 - It starts on December 15, with an expansion in tourist resorts for winter holidays.
Btp: insurance companies surpass banks

According to Bank of Italy, in the first 9 months of the year the share of public debt held by companies exceeded that held by credit institutions - Meanwhile, government bonds are at the center of European negotiations on the banking union
Stock Exchange, Atlantia reawakens Piazza Affari

European stock markets in difficulty, Frankfurt the worst despite the improvement in the Zew index on confidence - Industrial production down in Italy in October - Banks weak in Milan, up Safilo Sanlorenzo yachts debut
Europe pushes on energy startups

The EU has awarded 278 million euros to 75 innovative projects. Three are Italian. The Minister of Innovation Paola Pisano is pushing for a preferential lane in the 2020 Maneuver
Champions, Inter and Napoli: inside or outside

Only by winning at the San Siro against Barcelona, ​​without Messi, can Conte's Inter make it through to the round of XNUMX, while Napoli - where Gattuso is ready to replace Ancelotti - must at least draw against Genk