The great French masterpiece: Le Fromage

A beautiful table set as a still life has always aroused great interest for painters of all ages, evidence of the uses and customs of the place and of the period. Fruit, wine and cheese are never lacking. In French painting the cheese,…

Italians love chili peppers, they consume 700.000 quintals a year, but two thirds are imported from Asian countries. In rieti, for four days, 500 types of chilli peppers from all over the world will be exhibited and tasted
Hera, purification 4.0 is underway

The collaboration with Energy Way, as part of the cooperation agreement signed in 2017, is continuing to bear fruit: the urban waste water treatment plant in Modena has in fact been equipped with a cutting-edge system, unique in Italy, which use logic...
Venice, off to the Film Festival in the sign of women

The 76th edition of the cinema exhibition kicks off in the lagoon city, the last under the guidance of Paolo Baratta as president of the Biennale - It starts with Catherine Deneuve, Almodovar's Lifetime Achievement Lion - THE PROGRAM.
Lardo d'Arnad, flavors and aromas of the DOP mountain

The only DOP certified lard in Europe, Lardo d'Arnad, which has been produced using traditional methods in the Aosta Valley since 1500 with mountain herbs, enters the signature cuisine. The recipe of the starred Chef Agostino Bouillas: RAVIOLI, CREAMS OF HERBS OF…
Totogoverno: Conte bis, now it's about

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Zingaretti, while insisting on the turnover of people, seems less opposed to the confirmation of Conte at the helm of the new government but everything is still in the balance. But it is. Mattarella demands concrete indications by 19 pm