Juventus and Prysman ballast Piazza Affari

EU manufacturing is still holding back, but services are improving - Eyes on Telecom waiting for the Board of Directors - Tenaris is bad after the accounts - Banks still down - Sale Moncler
Micossi: "TAV, a one-way cost-benefit analysis"

To justify the No to the Tav, the ministerial commission performs such daring acrobatics in the cost-benefit analysis that they catch the eye even of those who are not experts on the subject - Here are all the critical points raised by an independent economist like Stefano…
Enel, the Porto Tolle plant becomes a luxury campsite

The Futur-e project for the redevelopment of inactive thermal power plants is progressing - At the mouth of the Po, Human Company plans to inaugurate an open-air tourist village in 2021 - For Montalto di Castro, the aim is to involve foreign investors…