Ara Pacis, the altar of Augustus in Rome opens every evening

Until January 6th, the immersive exhibition "L'Ara com'era" will extend its opening into the evening as well. The exhibition represents the first systematic intervention to enhance the cultural heritage of Rome and proposed in an engaging version through the integration of computer graphics, reality…
Maneuver, the EU says yes to the debt infringement procedure

The Italian violation of the budgetary rules, says Brussels, is "particularly serious" and paves the way for the excessive deficit procedure - Conte ready to explain the details of the maneuver to Juncker on Saturday - Dombrovskis: "Italy's structural deficit will rise…
Telecom Network, Lega and M5S in no particular order

A new sub-amendment presented by the leader of the League to the Senate dismantles some key points of the previous amendment signed by the M5S. It excludes from the calculation of tariff incentives the workforce that would transfer to the new integrated company. News also on the shareholders of…
Generali, Donnet: here is the plan for growth

The CEO of Generali, Philippe Donnet, illustrates to the financial community the new 2019-2021 strategic plan of the first Italian insurance company, which aims to grow not only internally, especially in Europe and in asset management - Here are all the points…